Q. Do you provide other forms of artwork in addition to Face Painting and characters?

  • A. Yes; we provide intricate Henna Tattoos, Glitter Art, Body Art, Tribal Art, Pre-Natal Art, and Ink Tattoos.

Q. How long does a Face Painting last?

  • A. It usually lasts until it is removed with soap and water however, our experience is most people tend to enjoy the experience of the moment and do not really want to be another character for more than a day or two. Personal hygiene is often the determining factor.

Q. How long do tattoos last?

  • A. Henna Tattoos generally last from 7 to 20 days. Glitter (waterproof) Tattoos last from 3 to 7 days. Ink Tattoos last 3 to 5 days.

Q. Do you wear a costume?

  • A. Yes; Sally will come dressed as a clown by special request. A fee applies due to the extra time and materials involved. Whether amusing an event as a clown or wearing a festive, colorful dress and big smile Sally and her fellow face painters will be in total personality mode!

Q. Are there special considerations-requirements for an outdoor event?

  • A. Not many; the host is expected to provide shade for the Face Painter. For an additional fee of $20.00, Sally or her assistant(s) will provide their own 10 x 10 E Z Up tent.

Q. What if Sally is already booked the date of my event?

  • A. Sally has highly trained entertainers who paint in her same full face theatrical style who can come to your event and paint in the same premier, face painting quality and style.

Q. How much do you charge for an event?

Q. Is there an advance fee for booking an event?

  • A. Yes; we require a deposit of half the total fee in cash or by check to guarantee an event reservation (booking).